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All Five Titan Submarine Passengers Confirmed Dead

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We are sad to announce that all 5 passengers onboard the missing Titan submarine have been lost during the recent expedition to the wreck of the RMS Titanic.

Officials from OceanGate have confirmed that the vessel suffered from a “catastrophic implosion”, although a timeline of when this occurred has not yet been revealed.

A debris field, including the Titan nose cone and hull has been found approximately 1600ft from the bow of the Titanic.

Specialists have confirmed that banging noises heard earlier during the search were not from the Titan.

The five passengers onboard the Titan were:

  • Hamish Harding, 58, a British adventurer
  • British businessman Shahzada Dawood, 48
  • His son Suleman Dawood, a 19-year-old student
  • Paul-Henry Nargeolet, 77, a former French Navy diver who has reportedly spent more time at the Titanic wreck than any other explorer and was part of the first expedition to visit it in 1987
  • Stockton Rush, 61, the chief executive of OceanGate, the firm that operates the Titanic voyages on the lost submersible

Our thoughts are with the families at this very difficult time.


Blue Horizon

About Author

Lee has been in the marketing industry for the last 15 years and now specializes in teaching marketing techniques to people in the scuba diving industry. He is founder of Dive Media Solutions which, in addition to providing complete marketing, media, communications and IT solutions exclusively for the scuba diving industry, also produces The Scuba News. You can connect with Lee via Twitter by following @DiveMedia

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