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NOAA National Marine Ecosystem Status Website

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NOAA is excited to launch the updated NOAA National Marine Ecosystem Status website. This website provides the interested public, educators, outreach specialists, and others a starting point to see how marine ecosystems across the U.S. are doing.  It also provides access to all of NOAA’s ecosystem resources and data in one place for audiences that want a deeper dive.

Until now, there has been no single entry point to access NOAA’s ecosystem information. There also is no place that summarizes and synthesizes ecosystem information across regions to provide a broader view of conditions across U.S. large marine ecosystems. The Ecosystem Indicator Working Group, under NOAA’s Science Council, led this project to distill vast amounts of ecosystem data into a consistent, easy to view presentation. The information will help us become better stewards of the ocean, its essential resources, and the communities it supports.

Please explore the site and share your feedback with nmfs.eiwg@noaa.gov.

Visit at: https://ecowatch.noaa.gov


Blue Horizon

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NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep the public informed of the changing environment around them

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