Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps

Rod Mast Joins Dive In with Liz & Sylvia

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Roderic Mast is Oceanic Society’s President and CEO. He is a lifelong conservationist, a marine biologist, and an experienced travel guide who got his start as a naturalist in the Galápagos Islands. He has worked in and visited more than 150 countries, and published many books, chapters and articles on flagship species, oceans, and rainforests. Rod is the co-chair of the IUCN-SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group and the co-founder of the State of the World’s Sea Turtles (SWOT) Program. Rod is a passionate photographer, author, and public speaker.

DIVE IN with Liz and Sylvia is a casual, free-flowing, and educational conversation and encourages ocean and nature enthusiasts of all ages to join. Sylvia, Liz, and Rod will take questions via Q & A text and voice call-in from the attendees. Get your questions ready!

Post your comments on Twitter and use #DIVEINWITHUS


Presented by Ocean Elders

Date and Time: Jun 11, 2022 03:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Learn more at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7OtjYaArTPeSETzKAjip9g


Blue Horizon

About Author

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

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Dive Curacao

Scuba Mask Straps
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