Browsing: El Gouna

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Travel News Regaldive

Red Sea Flights: More Choice Than Ever Before

Diving holiday specialist Regaldive has noticed a surge in demand for their Red Sea programme for the 2018/2019 winter season. With a wider range of airports than ever before offering flights to the Red Sea, UK divers are being provided with exceptional choice and convenience.

Surface Interval Red Sea Guide

The Red Sea – An Underwater Guide by Lawson Wood

I first dived the Red Sea back in 1974 with my very good friend Harry Simmonds on a marine biological course headed by Dr.Paul Cragg (a contemporary of my good friend Prof. David Bellamy), I had a loan of a Nikonos II underwater camera with no clue whatsoever on how it worked, but Jim Wlimot, Pete Bignel and Kevin Cullimore soon set me straight! I had picked up a Nikonos guide book by Jim & Cathy Church to read on the ‘plane to Eilat and took three rolls of 35mm film on our two week trip!

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